Spring Clean Your Resolutions
Believe it or not, spring is nearly here. That means that we have already progressed a quarter of the way through this year. No time to read? Watch the video […]
How Was Next Year?
Happy New Year! Watch the video here! Take a minute and imagine that you were an Olympic diver. As preparation for the world championships, part of your training includes regularly […]
How Can I Get Motivated?
How are your nearly brand new 2020 goals going? Are you still super-pumped and a fixture in the gym 24-7, or madly doing company process reinvention to stoke revenue and […]
Video Homework for an Awesome 2019
It will be all videos for a few weeks while I recover from shoulder surgery. Enjoy!
And You’re Off!
At last, the day is here. You have your mission and twelve monthly milestones to keep you on track. And today you perform your first, new action to keep your […]
On Your Mark, Get Set!
Tomorrow’s the day. The day you begin taking the steps to fulfill your 2016 mission! Are you psyched? I am! So let’s review some of what we have covered. Here […]
Back from the Future
If you took the steps outlined over the last two entries you should have one or a couple of short, inspiring mission statements that vividly describe the universe, experientially, of […]
Becoming a Missionary
Hopefully, you are still sticking with the series even though last entry I pulled out the rug a little bit by asking you to create a list of dream qualities […]
Forget Everything and Dream!
To this point, I have tried to bring research to the process of creating a structure for the process of setting resolutions and succeeding. But now, the real countdown to the […]
You Can Do Anything, But Not Everything
As I have been researching successful new year resolutions and talking to people about their own plans for self or business improvement in the new year, I have encountered an interesting […]