What is the difference between coaching and consulting?

Coaching is a dialogue that provides insight, guidance and perspective in the context of working on a particular activity, skill, objective or enterprise. Coaching usually doesn’t include any other product or service beyond the dialogue and measurement of the progress, outcome, result or goal. Consulting can include any number of services including workshops, presentations, analyses, and so forth. It may include coaching style dialogue or relationships and may even explicitly include a coaching series, for individuals or groups, but is usually not confined to coaching.

Do you offer individual coaching or just corporate coaching?

We offer both individual high-performance coaching and Coaching-as-a-Service which is retainer]ed corporate coaching.

Do you offer Founder or CEO Coaching?

Yes, most of our clients are Founders or CEOs. Please book an exploratory call if you are interested in becoming a client.

What is Coaching-as-a-Service?

Coaching-as-a-Service (CaaS) is a team resource. Beyond Better offers retained coaching for a fixed number of team-members. Typically companies engage us to work with between 6 and 9 leaders and up-and-comers, or with several teams. Because the monthly fee is fixed, it’s easily budgeted.  The service is highly flexible and can be rotated around different individuals or teams as appropriate.

Is coaching like therapy?

Coaching is NOT therapy. Coaching does not aim to treat any mental, medical, psychological or psychiatric illness. Coaching is a structured dialogue to work on specific goals, skills, decision-making, heuristics and mental models, scenarios, or projects. It is about optimizing performance, enhancing behavior, building or breaking habits to gain success and about developing skills in areas that are related to goals, targets, projects or intentions. Coaching should not be used to address something for which a therapist or physician would be the appropriate choice.

How frequently should I meet with or speak with my coach?

That varies by the program and project. The most typical coaching structure is a twice monthly call of up to 50 minutes. Because our programs include access outside of scheduled sessions, you can always message your coach with between-session thoughts or questions. 
Calls are scheduled as recurring appointments and take place by phone for individuals and by Google Meets or other video calling for teams.

Is what I share with my coach confidential?

Any information, opinion or content shared between you and your coach is private. But it is not legally protected in the way that medical information is protected. However, you can expect the coach to keep anything said in the context of the coaching relationship private, not ever to share it, publish it or reference it unless you give explicit permission. This confidentiality does not extend to admissions of crimes or plans of crimes or any other information that a responsible citizen would feel compelled to report to the police or other authorities.

How much does Coaching-as-a-Service Cost?

Our entry level package (which includes the CEO) is $6,000 a month for up to 4 team members or teams.

How much does individual coaching cost?

Individual coaching (paid for personally) is provided as part of an annual, renewable annua contract at $1350 a month. It includes between 2 and 4 (depending on need) scheduled sessions per month, full access via text and impromptu conversations as needed. 

How much does Founder/CEO coaching cost?

Founder/CEO coaching costs is a year-long, renewable membership. The fees are correlated to the company’s ARR, and range from $3,500-$10,000 a month. 

How do I get started with Beyond Better coaching??

Schedule an introductory call to discuss your goals. 

During that call we will get to know each other, and dig into one of your most pressing challenges.

If, after that conversation, we both feel like we would work well together, we schedule a second call about a week to 2 weeks later. Between the two calls, we encourage you to speak with other potential coaches so that you learn as much as possible.

During the second call, you can get any new questions answered.

We select our clients carefully —just as you should select your coach. But it all begins with a conversation!

How do I join a leaders Lab mastermind group?

Visit this page and if it sounds like your cup of tea, follow the links to apply.

How much does it cost to join a Leaders Lab cohort?

Leaders Lab participation costs $1300 a month, plus a $3,500 initial admission fee that will go toward your participation in the annual off-site (does not include travel or lodging). But, the Leaders Lab is a selective program and you must apply and be interviewed to be considered.

Do you consult to organizations like mine?

We work with lots of different kinds of organizations.

Most of our clients are venture-funded, high-growth start-ups. However, we were consulting before there were many technology start-ups, and have worked with everything from investment banks to hospitals to vertically integrated beverage producers.

Typically, we are most effective with organizations that have between 100 and 5,000 employees. 

What is a typical strategic planning retreat like?

Our most common engagement is a comprehensive strategic planning retreat. These are 3 to 4 day events that include the top executive team—usually between 4 and 15 individuals. The key elements are crafting a long-term vision, quantifying that vision, scenario planning, our proprietary Merlin(tm) process of backtracking, and building a strategy map for the shorter -term horizon. The key deliverables are:

  • Vision
  • Complete metrics of vision
  • Scenario summary
  • Strategy map
  • Key strategic initiatives and owners
  • In some engagements we also assist with developing a balanced scorecard.

We also offer several variations on this as well as strategic interventions that have more focused goals and limited deliverables.

How much does strategic planning cost?

Every strategic planning engagement is unique, and we create bespoke proposals every time. But the prices start at $35,000 and vary depending on the number of consultants involved. That does not include travel, lodging, location or any of the logistics. 

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