The Autonomy Ladder
While there may be oddball, hyper-controlling bosses out there, most of us don’t want to lead an organization full of people who can’t make decision, solve problems, or initiate action. […]
Is It a Fact?
Let’s say you are on your way home from work. It’s a Thursday. You get a text from your boss. It says: “Please see me tomorrow morning.” Before you have […]
Personal Power Run Amok
People with powerful personalities can be paragons worth imitating. Or, they can be dumpster fires, burning everything and everyone they approach. If your team includes a raging fire, what do […]
Learning to Love Hearing Criticism
Why is criticism so upsetting? In the workplace — or maybe even in a marriage — we often hear feedback that is, well, critical. Maybe you are part of the […]
Spotlight on Introverts
Like the world itself, every workplace has a mix of extroverts and introverts – people who are outspoken and vocal and those who don’t speak up, find group activities, impromptu […]
Get Awesome Coaching Without a New Coach!
We revere great coaches in our culture – whether in sports, politics or even business. But we almost never address what conditions allow a coach to thrive — that is, […]
Amie Devero invited into Forbes Coaches Council
For immediate release Amie Devero invited into Forbes Coaches Council Forbes Coaches Council Is an Invitation-Only Community for Leading Business and Career Coaches Tampa, FL, May 1, 2018 — Amie […]
No Need for Motivation or Willpower
When we admire people for their productivity, their workout regimen or their figures, we often think that they must either have incredible willpower or tons more discipline than we have. […]
Empty Promises
Does anyone listen to you as though your words could move worlds? In our lives, we use our language loosely. When you hear a friend suggest she will stop smoking, […]
Are You Sure You’re a Great Coach?
There are certain skills that have objective measures, and therefore allow us to evaluate ourselves. For example, if you can write computer code and the code effectively performs its desired outcome, […]