Are You Playing the Wrong Game?
Watch the matching video. One of the hardest things to gauge in a new organization is what is expected. At the grandest level, we call this culture. But the broadness […]
Favorite Things-Podcast Edition Summer 2021
Now, for a special summer delight: It’s been years since I did a favorite things post. But, as we slowly ebb into “normal” life, here are some of the podcasts […]
Trust and Safety
Over the last two weeks the world has spoken, emphatically protesting the lack of safety that black people experience with police. While the events that prompted world-wide protests have taken […]
Favorite Things Holiday Edition 2018: Podcasts and Newsletters
Some podcasts and newsletters to spur curiosity, exercise your brain and enjoy time when not working. Holiday and day-off fodder!
Why Rudeness Goes Viral
How good at you are responding to rudeness with courtesy and respect? Do you find yourself experiencing disrespect at work? Everyone has both heard of and probably experienced a “toxic […]