It’s The Employee’s Fault!
We’re at that point in the year when if you haven’t already developed your strategy for 2023, at the very least you are reviewing the results for the past year. […]
Surrendering to Your Calendar Works
Now that you’ve surrendered to your calendar and had time to try it out, you may have hit some road bumps. This 7 minute video wll give you some tools […]
Un-Expert Yourself
There’s a well-known expression from the world of marketing –and it’s usually used in the form of an accusation: “You’re talking to yourself!” There are common examples of this mistake […]
The Reliability Game
To watch the video click here. Organizations desperately need reliability. Few have it. In most organizations, some people are incredibly reliable, others are not. Some are conscientious and beat deadlines. […]
The Autonomy Ladder
While there may be oddball, hyper-controlling bosses out there, most of us don’t want to lead an organization full of people who can’t make decision, solve problems, or initiate action. […]
Spring Clean Your Resolutions
Believe it or not, spring is nearly here. That means that we have already progressed a quarter of the way through this year. No time to read? Watch the video […]
Are You Playing the Wrong Game?
Watch the matching video. One of the hardest things to gauge in a new organization is what is expected. At the grandest level, we call this culture. But the broadness […]
How Was Next Year?
Happy New Year! Watch the video here! Take a minute and imagine that you were an Olympic diver. As preparation for the world championships, part of your training includes regularly […]
Guest Post!! 4 Types of Consultants. Which is Best For You?
By Amy Collett. Entrepreneurs are known for wearing many hats, but are you taking on too much? A DIY approach saves money while launching a business, but at some point, […]
Why Does Getting Feedback Suck?
You may enjoy this short, summary video. Literature is devoted to how managers should deliver feedback: Creating a context, “feedback sandwiches” (good news, bad news, good news –in that order) […]