When Rank Means Right
Have you ever had a boss who simply wouldn’t listen to your perspective? Maybe they dismissed you despite tons of supporting evidence that you might be right! Experience does eventually […]
Strategic Decay
Newton understood something profound about matter –and it is equally true for human systems and behavior. In any system, over time, entropy increases. It applies in our organizations, our strategies, […]
A Strategic Plan With Legs: Strategic Planning Part 3
Most strategy off-sites deliver a sense of cohesion for the participants –and a slightly edifying town hall for everyone else. But few go the distance of becoming the guiding document […]
A Wobbly Waterfall
The world has become consumed with measurement. Most everyone I know has a smart watch, smart ring, pedometer, or something else that measures their bodily functions. High-growth organizations exemplify that […]
The Case of the Shrinking Executives
In some organizations, people grow and expand. They become more powerful and effective. In others, they shrink–shriveling in impact, disempowered. When that happens, once influential individuals transform into shadows of […]
You Push, They Push Back
When things aren’t going in the right direction, how do you approach your team to get better results? Do you talk more, push harder, change managers, insist louder, impose longer […]
When You can’t Say No. Or Yes.
I’m terrible at saying no! The refrain is so common that I hear it in my sleep.. Usually, when clients feel overloaded that is their self-diagnosis. There are too many projects, deadlines, and […]
The Upside of Anxiety
We often think of anxiety in negative terms. And of course, it can be debilitating and miserable. But it can also be a tool that you leverage, either for your […]
Private Strategy
Often, when I first ask startup founders about their strategies, they usually tell me what their goals are for the year. Or they provide a laundry list of projects that […]
It’s The Employee’s Fault!
We’re at that point in the year when if you haven’t already developed your strategy for 2023, at the very least you are reviewing the results for the past year. […]