Less is More in Strategy
Prefer to watch rather than read? Here’s a short 6-minute video. Gardening Sometime early in the pandemic I decided I wanted to have a flower garden. I began planting things. […]
Measurement Madness
There is a well-known saying that “what gets measured gets managed”. Depending on your source, it was first said by either physicist Lord kelvin, or Peter Drucker. It’s generally true. […]
You’re The Best. NOT.
Short commercial: Join me for the Virtual Time Blocking Summit, March 5-7! I will be presenting on using time blocking to overcome lack of motivation. Plus, there are TONS of other great […]
Measure What Matters and Motivates
Who should you write up, who should you retain, and who should you groom for promotion? Growing companies eventually discover that they need a way to make more than just […]
Measure What Matters
People are measuring lots of things nowadays, and in fact there is a growing industry of devices and software for personal measurement. But despite the onslaught of technology to measure […]
Don’t Be Too Optimistic!
There is a very interesting innate human psychological tendency toward optimism. In fact, as humans, we tend not only to be optimistic, but overly optimistic, even in the face of […]
Bad News?
One of the more interesting reasons that we procrastinate or fail to take action is due to thought patterns that are fundamentally irrational. That may not be surprising on its face, because […]
Back from the Future
If you took the steps outlined over the last two entries you should have one or a couple of short, inspiring mission statements that vividly describe the universe, experientially, of […]
The Management of Dreams
As we look at the New Year approaching and experience a sense of hope – a vision for a different quality of life, health or financial security — it’s easy […]