My Favorite Things: Podcast Edition
If you’re like me, then you are always looking for new ways to stimulate your creativity, stoke your curiosity and suggest new avenues for thought and personal inquiry. If you’re […]
Economy of Collaboration
In today’s flatter organizations, collaboration has become a ubiquitous concept, if not always an effective reality. At some organizations, employees spend as much as 80% of their working time in […]
Knowing versus Doing!
Oftentimes, we know exactly what needs to be done, but we don’t do it. What happens between the thought and the action? That is a major dilemma of almost every person […]
Bigger May Not Be Better
In my practice, I talk to a fair number of founders of small and medium size businesses that have reached levels of size, revenue and scale that the owners themselves […]
Be a Mad Scientist
If you think back to your seventh grade science fair project maybe you will recall the color of your poster-board, the Kodak or Polaroid pictures you taped to it, and the hand-written […]
When you KNOW it doesn’t make sense!
Every time an election cycle rolls around, I suddenly feel a surge of renewed interest in my teenage and early adult love affair with logic. My academic focus in university […]
If You Could Be Anyone
What if you weren’t who you are? I don’t mean who you are like your biography or your name and identification, but who you are like a personality. For example, […]
Don’t Be Too Optimistic!
There is a very interesting innate human psychological tendency toward optimism. In fact, as humans, we tend not only to be optimistic, but overly optimistic, even in the face of […]