Stuff You (Should) Already Know
Some plain truths about humans that organizations pretend are myths —to the detriment of sales and souls. I recently ran across an article about how little attention we pay […]
You Push, They Push Back
When things aren’t going in the right direction, how do you approach your team to get better results? Do you talk more, push harder, change managers, insist louder, impose longer […]
It’s The Employee’s Fault!
We’re at that point in the year when if you haven’t already developed your strategy for 2023, at the very least you are reviewing the results for the past year. […]
Mind the Gap –Executive Edition
As we discussed last week, in most organizations, the strategy doesn’t make it very far beneath the C-suite. This isn’t obvious when you are part of the senior team that […]
Uncertainty Grammar
In Turkish there is a suffix (mis) that turns a statement uncertain. It’s used to create the “inferential” mood. We don’t have anything like it in English or other Latinate […]
The Scale-Up Squeeze-Out
There often comes a time in every high-growth start-up when new executive leadership is hired –and sometimes, they replace or displace the stalwart early team members. I’ve heard this phase […]
Are You Playing the Wrong Game?
Watch the matching video. One of the hardest things to gauge in a new organization is what is expected. At the grandest level, we call this culture. But the broadness […]
Guest Post!! 4 Types of Consultants. Which is Best For You?
By Amy Collett. Entrepreneurs are known for wearing many hats, but are you taking on too much? A DIY approach saves money while launching a business, but at some point, […]
Why Does Getting Feedback Suck?
You may enjoy this short, summary video. Literature is devoted to how managers should deliver feedback: Creating a context, “feedback sandwiches” (good news, bad news, good news –in that order) […]
Dying to Go To The Office
It seems like every day I read about the employees who are refusing to leave their homes. They so love being with their families and missing the commute that they […]