Metrics Over Mission
When results are poor, check that everyone's north star is the customer’s experience rather than the scorecard. because focusing on the score takes you away from customers. And of course, that defeats your entire goal.
In Vino Innovato
Inventing an unprecedented technology or strategy demands fearlessness. But if everyone is afraid to look silly, who creates the breakthroughs? Habit and Mimicry As human beings, we observe and follow […]
The Disagreeability Premium
Every team has a renegade. They refuse to follow the prevailing wisdom – and that’s a good thing, even if they annoy everyone along the way. If you were a […]
When Rank Means Right
Have you ever had a boss who simply wouldn’t listen to your perspective? Maybe they dismissed you despite tons of supporting evidence that you might be right! Experience does eventually […]
Director of Slide-Greasing
Hopefully, you had a spectacular summer and a wonderful holiday weekend. If you’re in the US, Happy Labor Day! Now, it’s back to work! In honor of Labor Day week, […]
The Case of the Shrinking Executives
In some organizations, people grow and expand. They become more powerful and effective. In others, they shrink–shriveling in impact, disempowered. When that happens, once influential individuals transform into shadows of […]
You Push, They Push Back
When things aren’t going in the right direction, how do you approach your team to get better results? Do you talk more, push harder, change managers, insist louder, impose longer […]
When You can’t Say No. Or Yes.
I’m terrible at saying no! The refrain is so common that I hear it in my sleep.. Usually, when clients feel overloaded that is their self-diagnosis. There are too many projects, deadlines, and […]
Just One More Dataset!
In 1815, Napoleon was going to face the British and their allies in what would become the Battle of Waterloo. The French had many more troops, and certainly could have […]
Being an Extraordinary Leader
Leaders come in many varieties. Anyone over the age of 25 has already learned that through experience. The awful bosses stay with us in the form of cautionary tales. But […]