Past/Present: Push/Pull
In every moment we are being pushed by the past or pulled by a future. But the past is always available and keeps us comfortable. Yet, breakthroughs depend on our […]
Spring Clean Your Resolutions
Believe it or not, spring is nearly here. That means that we have already progressed a quarter of the way through this year. No time to read? Watch the video […]
How Was Next Year?
Happy New Year! Watch the video here! Take a minute and imagine that you were an Olympic diver. As preparation for the world championships, part of your training includes regularly […]
Measurement Madness
There is a well-known saying that “what gets measured gets managed”. Depending on your source, it was first said by either physicist Lord kelvin, or Peter Drucker. It’s generally true. […]
Measure What Matters and Motivates
Who should you write up, who should you retain, and who should you groom for promotion? Growing companies eventually discover that they need a way to make more than just […]
No Need for Motivation or Willpower
When we admire people for their productivity, their workout regimen or their figures, we often think that they must either have incredible willpower or tons more discipline than we have. […]
Knowing versus Doing!
Oftentimes, we know exactly what needs to be done, but we don’t do it. What happens between the thought and the action? That is a major dilemma of almost every person […]