You Push, They Push Back
When things aren’t going in the right direction, how do you approach your team to get better results? Do you talk more, push harder, change managers, insist louder, impose longer […]
When You can’t Say No. Or Yes.
I’m terrible at saying no! The refrain is so common that I hear it in my sleep.. Usually, when clients feel overloaded that is their self-diagnosis. There are too many projects, deadlines, and […]
Pigeonholing People
No time to read? Watch the video here. When I finished the last article I sent you about apophenia—seeing non-existent patterns in data—I knew that I had only touched on […]
Mind the Gap –Executive Edition
As we discussed last week, in most organizations, the strategy doesn’t make it very far beneath the C-suite. This isn’t obvious when you are part of the senior team that […]
Guest Post: Don’t Just Study Non-Customers. Become One.
Mike Giffin of Giffin Consulting offers this insightful guest column. Enjoy, and look up Mike on LinkedIn. Amie Devero’s recent post neatly articulates a major source of missed opportunity […]
Un-Expert Yourself
There’s a well-known expression from the world of marketing –and it’s usually used in the form of an accusation: “You’re talking to yourself!” There are common examples of this mistake […]
The Reliability Game
To watch the video click here. Organizations desperately need reliability. Few have it. In most organizations, some people are incredibly reliable, others are not. Some are conscientious and beat deadlines. […]
The Autonomy Ladder
While there may be oddball, hyper-controlling bosses out there, most of us don’t want to lead an organization full of people who can’t make decision, solve problems, or initiate action. […]
The Scale-Up Squeeze-Out
There often comes a time in every high-growth start-up when new executive leadership is hired –and sometimes, they replace or displace the stalwart early team members. I’ve heard this phase […]
Why Does Getting Feedback Suck?
You may enjoy this short, summary video. Literature is devoted to how managers should deliver feedback: Creating a context, “feedback sandwiches” (good news, bad news, good news –in that order) […]