Stuff You (Should) Already Know
Some plain truths about humans that organizations pretend are myths —to the detriment of sales and souls. I recently ran across an article about how little attention we pay […]
When You can’t Say No. Or Yes.
I’m terrible at saying no! The refrain is so common that I hear it in my sleep.. Usually, when clients feel overloaded that is their self-diagnosis. There are too many projects, deadlines, and […]
Not Another Meeting?!
Are you inundated in meetings. Does your daily schedule consist of going from one Zoom call to another? I regularly ask clients what is on their calendar. Usually, it’s little more […]
Do We Really Need to Meet?
Almost everyone I know is inundated in meetings. Is that true of your workday as well? When I ask a client to tell me what is on their calendar, usually, […]
Some of My Favorite Things: Life Hack Edition
Given how busy most of us are and the ever-increasing demands on our time or attention, we are all hungry for relief. Having some simple, go-to strategies for adding efficiency and […]
Too Busy to Work
Have you ever looked at your watch and realized that you have barely stopped all day – and yet, nothing important has been accomplished? This phenomenon, of being so incredibly busy […]
Time Management Insights That Change Everything!
While working with a current executive coaching client, she explained that she was completely overwhelmed by trying to remember all the things she needed to do. She was failing at it […]