Loving Interruptions
If there is one accepted truth within the productivity canon, it is that deep work—as much of it as possible—is the holy grail. But, like the holy grail, it is […]
The Gathering Snowball of Goals
There is one thing about which we can be very certain at the beginning of every new year. Roughly 75% of New Year’s resolutions will be forgotten by March. Of those that […]
The Reliability Game
To watch the video click here. Organizations desperately need reliability. Few have it. In most organizations, some people are incredibly reliable, others are not. Some are conscientious and beat deadlines. […]
Stop In The Middle
There is an interesting story about Ernest Hemingway. They say that whenever he walked away from writing for the day he always stopped in the middle of a sentence. With […]
Not Another Meeting?!
Are you inundated in meetings. Does your daily schedule consist of going from one Zoom call to another? I regularly ask clients what is on their calendar. Usually, it’s little more […]
Do We Really Need to Meet?
Almost everyone I know is inundated in meetings. Is that true of your workday as well? When I ask a client to tell me what is on their calendar, usually, […]
Time To Work
When we think about organizations and the teams that comprise them, we typically think in one of two ways. We either consider the specific function of an individual or team, […]
What Do You Do For Work? Video
We rarely think of the explicit behaviors that we perform to do our work. But they are critically important. Is it writing, talking, coding, planning? They are all different and […]
Getting Focused Faster
If you’re interested in productivity, then you’ve probably heard the term context shifting. It is much-used in the workplace productivity universe. Context shifting is the process of shifting your attention […]